Salzburg, Austria: Attacks on BIG, Hypo and the State Departement of Finances

received 9 /18/2019

In the night from Sunday to Monday, the BIG (Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft) was attacked with fire and paint. They are responsible for the construction of the prison in Puch.

We attacked the Hypobank with paint. It’s a symbol for the politics of corruption and speculation of ÖVP and FPÖ.
We smashed the windows of the State Departement of Finances and attacked it with stinking bombs, because we are attacking the state.

In Salzburg, on September 16th, because the austrian governement is carrying out an EU summitmeeting a few days later to implement more restrictive practices of surveillance and control, especially against migrants.

We don’t care for the demonstration against the summit, where participants will be filmed, surveilled and criminalized. We don’t play by the rules of the rulers.

in German l Portuguese