received 08/09/17
Destroy Sergeantina!!!
Those are not just words: we reached the “level” of direct action and they lie about us because they fear us. Not everything that happens hits the system’s newspapers! Even ours! And everything runs really fast, comrades. Revolutionary vertigo, which shakes up the heart: it was what we wanted and finally what we’ve got. Let’s not flatter ourselves. As our beutiful comrades from Portugal warn us, let’s be intelligent: neither “library anarchism” nor “self destructive punk”, fine? We don’t make up anything. We met el Lechu and better listen to us very well those who now claim he is a public figure… He is, to say, one of us: ANARCHIST! Enemy of the state, the capital and the shitty “social peace” of those who now (…and may a lightning fall in the head of those who call him “ayahuasca junkie”) whip his missing doing politics with our ideals. We are not “infiltrated”, as those people conniving with the spectacle cluck every time it burns passion for the anarchic revolt.
In August 31, the building of GEOF was torched… the “anti terrorist” Federal Operations Special Group building in the middle of the burgeosie neighborhood of Palermo… plenty Buenos Aires downtown, and the shitty media has hidden; they did the same thing with a lot of offensives that, did not even go through their heads, could strike their power structures.
After the demonstration, on September 1, the 35th Gendarmerie Battalion was almost torched with Molotovs (were they “infiltrated”, too?).
In La Plata, we torched a part of the senate, and then there was an attack on the security ministry, with a wounded gendarme and burned cars, with no arrests.
After the demo in Buenos Aires, where 31 people were arrested, without even being at the barricade of Avenida de Mayo, the media again said that everything was calm until about twenty hooded ones attacked the government building and were, by little, near to burn his filthy office.
It did not end there: the headquarters of the gendarmerie were destroyed in a coordinated action of great risk and great bravery…
We can not fail to mention the repression in Cordoba! Police officers entered several anarchist spaces (information about that are circulating in the networks), in the provincial capital, and took drums and banners.
The fascist newspaper “La Nación” now aims at the former FLA (Argentinean anarchist federation), which has now become an anarchist cultural center, let us stay alert… If they touch one @, they touch all @ and even if the repression become stronger, we will make their worst nightmares turn into reality.
We thank the Contra Info for its work and also to all those who (everywhere) support our struggle until death against all authority.
M@K (i), Anarchic. Kosmic. informal Movement
translated by tormentas de fogo
Translators note:
This made us give a smile of complicity to our comrades fighting in the territory under domain of the argentinian state. This one text is claiming responsibility of some actoins on the agitation month for Santiago Maldonado. It has also a statement about some lies thrown against them by the masses. For example, in august 1st demos they were accused of being “infiltrated” just because they chose to disrupt normality instead of behave peacefully. This is what happens when the state attacks us. We hit them back with all our strength!!! WE WANT OUR COMRADE BACK NOW!!!
In Spanish l Portuguese l German