Cyber-world: Vivisection laboratory website defaced by the ALF and taken offline

The 7th September 2015, a vivisection laboratory website was sabotaged by using the technique of “deface”. It was entered to the website server and some of their directories were modified. The result was a more realistic image about what the laboratory does and a message we hope never forgot.

Because we don’t care about the excuses and lies they use to justify their experiments. What really matters is that people see and know what really happens inside the laboratories, and to cause the biggest economic damage as possible.

After few weeks, the website has disappeared. What probably means it has been closed (hopefully permanently). We are proud that the goal of this action has been reached, and we’ll go on until we close all laboratories.



Note from Contra Info: The website referenced is the Chudasama Laboratory of Brain and Behaviour, a part of the McGill University campus in Montreal, Canada, that previously looked like this.

in Spanish