Between the 12th and 17th of September 2015, some participants in the network of Contra Info carried out a series of actions in solidarity with Evi Statiri, prisoner in struggle in Greece, who has undergone hunger strike since September 14th, demanding an end to the preventive detention that was imposed on her six months ago.
Evi Statiri is incarcerated as a result of the vengeful mania that the repressive apparatuses of Greek democracy unleashed, after the failed escape plan of the imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in early 2015, targeting relatives and friends of members of the organisation. When the Power fail to make subversive prisoners bow down to them, they lay their hands on their close and supportive environment, seeking to sow fear and punish what does not fit into their heavy bibles of legislature, what transcends the prison walls, what goes beyond the polarity between innocence and guilt: solidarity.
Following the decision of Evi Statiri to choose hunger strike as a means of struggle, we’re calling out to comrades worldwide to strengthen this cry for freedom through multifaceted anarchist action. So that it resonates in the streets: EVI STATIRI OUT ONTO THE STREETS!
Below are a few photos from actions that took place in the territories controlled by the states of Bolivia, France, Greece, Portugal, Chile and Spain. We look forward to receiving your contributions at contrainfo[at]
A banner was hung in La Paz (Bolivia), reading: “From Bolivia we salute you, compañera Evi Statiri, abducted by the Greek state”; flyers were also distributed: “From Bolivia to Greece, freedom for Evi Statiri – Your struggle from inside the prison is a sign of indomitable ferocity in the face of the Power and repression”
Leaflets and flyposting in Toulouse (France): “Solidarity with Evi Statiri, political prisoner in Greece – Evi Statiri is detained on remand at Koridallos prison, in Greece, since the 2nd of March 2015, arrested for being the life companion of Gerasimos Tsakalos, imprisoned member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (international anarchist revolutionary organisation). After being refused her liberation once again, she commences a hunger strike on the 14th of September. Fire to the borders – Fire to the prisons”
Banners at the Athens Polytechnic School, Exarchia (Greece): “Neither innocent, nor guilty – Solidarity with Evi Statiri” / “Evi Statiri, hold strong – We are all family of the Cells of Fire – Death to the judges!”
A banner was placed in one of Lisbon’s most central and tourist locations (Portugal): “Freedom for Evi Statiri”; leaflets signed by Some Anarchists were also handed out, providing an update on Evi’s situation: “Internationalist and anarchist solidarity with Evi Statiri – After 6 months in preventive detention, an act of pure vengeance and arbitrariness of the Power, Evi Statiri initiated a hunger strike on September 14th 2015, in the dungeons of Greek democracy, until her unconditional release. (…) Freedom for those who are in prison cells – Immediate release of Evi Statiri – Lifting of the restrictive measures against Athena Tsakalou!” (PDF in Portuguese)
Banner in Santiago (Chile): “«Fear may rule, but it cannot reign in the hearts and minds of free human beings» – Evi Statiri out onto the streets!”
Slogans were spray-painted in the streets of Iruña/Pamplona, Navarre (Spain) — Evi askatu! (“Free Evi!” in Basque) and more…