Danger warning: the TAV is under way again. So what about us?
The proponents of the Lyon-Turin high-speed rail announced for January 2015 the resumption of work in Saint-Martin-de-la-Porte, Maurienne [south-east of France].
Why? Because they have free rein to do so.
In France the mobilisation against the TAV never really took off, which consequently they benefit from. Without a doubt, the tunneling between Saint-Martin-de-la-Porte and the village of Chiomonte [in Italy] will kick off this year. The more the work progresses, the more it seems difficult to oppose the developers.
There is still much to imagine for the project to be abandoned. It therefore seems particularly appropriate to go beyond the proposed “green” TAV rhetoric or a simple alternative to the planned route. It is time to get together on the work locations. It’s with a local presence that we can be efficient and effective to prevent or slow down the construction site.
In the Susa Valley, work is progressing at a snail’s pace, thanks to the daily mobilisation of inhabitants of the valley, as well as a whole bunch of people who lend a strong hand from all over Italy.
For too long in France we await those in Italy to solely achieve victory. On the other side of the border, every year since 2005, demonstrations of over 60,000 people are faced with the police, the army and the mafia.
Last year, NO TAV protesters marched through the valley of Avigliana in Chiomonte, stopping off in villages on route. They ate together, walked together, and slept on terrains lent by residents. They took their time, time that will disappear with the TAV.
From there was born the desire to have a march for a few days this summer, on this side of the border. Do one end of the route on foot, between Lyon and the Susa Valley; stopping off where people are willing to accommodate us for a night or two, lend a barn, or a piece of land. We would like to organise concerts, screenings, discussions, hold orienteering events, build cabins…
Without claiming to be thousands, we hope that at least it would allow us to talk about the project and the struggle to prevent it that has lasted for many years; and why not other struggles intersect, mingle together on this occasion.
So if you are ready to do a part of the march with us, to organise in your town a concert or dinner with or without us; if you are ready to host us, or simply come one evening to tell your stories about the struggle against the Lyon-Turin high-speed rail (and other struggles), you are invited to respond to us as soon as possible, so that we can then meet and organise.
Further reading: Brief history of TAV Turin-Lyon project and of the struggle against it (1988-2011)