On the night of May 19th to 20th, 453 Vélib’ bikes had their tires punctured in several districts of Paris; same thing with 5 utility vehicles and 3 trucks of the municipality. This attack is just a drop of water in an average of 8,000 damages they suffer per year.
In the morning of May 18th, ten persons were arrested in the 7th arrondissement of Paris accused of causing damage to Vélib’s. This fills us with even more rage, as much as the exploitation exerted by the JCDecaux on prisoners as well as the slavery imposed on juveniles, which is now public knowledge.
JCDecaux is present everywhere in France. In Lyon with Vélo’v bike hire system, in Besançon with Vélocité, in Marseilles with Le vélo, in Toulouse with Vélôtoulouse, in Mulhouse with Vélocité, in Rouen with Cy’clic, in Amiens with Vélam, in Nantes with Bicloo, in Nancy with Vélostan’lib, in Cergy-Pontoise with Vélo2, in Créteil with Cristolib, and in every place with billboards and street furniture (bus shelters, etc.). So everyone can show their aversion to JCDecaux on every corner.
Down with the JCDecaux, the mayors and all the gaolers!
source: nantes indymedia