From time to time, resistance ends in prison.
So at this juncture: combative and heartfelt greetings from Freiburg’s death-house.
The building where preventatively detainees are locked up is called death-house over here. The Sicherungsverwahrung, preventative detention after completion of one’s sentence, is based on a Nazi law of November 24, 1933; a regulation against which Kurt Tucholsky himself had fought. The outcasts of society sit here without hope.
Generally prisons are places where people are being stored, exploited and oppressed. Society as a whole is reflected on the inside; here, it only gets violent a few degrees more.
Manifestations such as today’s demo in Hamburg act as a beacon and ignited spark. Not only within society in front of walls, but also behind these prison walls.
Let’s break the chains!
Thomas Meyer-Falk
Red and Anarchist Skinhead (RASH)
Long-term prisoner, since 1996
Freiburg, December 2013.