Yesterday, June 21st, there was a call for a demonstration in Barcelona demanding the release of the 5 who were arrested in Catalonia. The arrestees have been in custody under FIES3 isolation regime for more than a month in Madrid accused of being members of an armed group, use of explosive and aggrandizement of terrorism… a police investigation that started with mapping the comrades’ Facebook profiles and tracking their participation in demos that resulted in riots, a part of the latest reform of the Penal Code, which gives the State the ability to oppress and intimidate dissent in the most effective way.
200 people gathered in the Font de Canaletes then marched through the center of Barcelona shouting for the release of the comrades, against the State that kidnapped them, and against capitalism, democracy and the prisons that support them. The demo was closely followed by the bastards of the ABM (the riot police of Catalonia) as well as plain clothes cops, but there were no direct clashes. Texts were read at several points during the march, which lasted 2 hours:
Some of the slogans chanted were:
Freedom for anarchists.
Freedom for our comrades, they are held prisoners by the State
Down with the prison walls.
Death to the State and long live anarchy.
Prison is democracy
Social war, against the State and the Capital.
After being transferred, the comrades are still under custody and FIES3 regime in the following prisons:
Yolanda -> C.P. Madrid V, Soto del Real
Silvia -> C.P. Madrid VII, Estremera
Juan -> C.P. Madrid II, Alcalá Meco
José Carlos -> C.P. Madrid VI, Aranjuez
Xabier -> C.P. Madrid IV, Navalcarnero
in Spanish