faşizme karşı omuz omuza / stand shoulder-to-shoulder against fascism
hükümet istifa / government, resign
katil Erdoğan / murderer Erdoğan
Taksim bizim, İstanbul bizim / Taksim is ours, Istanbul is ours
direne direne kazanacağız / we will win by resisting
her yer Taksim, her yer direniş / everywhere is Taksim, resistance is everywhere
sık bakalım, sık bakalım, biber gazı sık bakalım, copunu bırak, kaskını çıkar, delikanlı kim bakalım / shoot it, shoot it, fire the tear gas, drop your baton, take your helmet off, then we see who’s the tough guy
hepiniz orospu çocuğusunuz / you’re all son of bitches [to the police]
orospu çocuğu Tayyip Erdoğan / son of a bitch Tayyip Erdoğan

There is no official confirmation of the deaths as of yet.
In Istanbul, on 1/6, the cops left the Taksim Gezi Park for a while. Then people gathered to occupy the park again. Soon thereafter, the police stormed the area to remove the protesters.
Recent updates in Turkish : 1, 2, 3
Comrades’ message from the streets of Istanbul at 17:15 (local time): “We did it. Taksim square and Gezi Park occupied. Police pulls back; they’re leaving. People celebrate inside Gezi Park. One police car, with ‘sikik (fucked)’ written on it, was overturned and set on fire…”
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