In the first week of February 2013, 245 prisoners in Saluzzo decided to release an open letter reporting the abuses, ill-treatment and penalties to which they are subjected on a daily basis. The lack of food, heat and basic necessities, the denial of benefits and alternative measures, the exploitation through […]
Daily Archives: March 2, 2013
We are proud to say that we are part of the current social war in the territory dominated by the Argentine State, sabotaging the instruments that are most highly valued by civilized beings: Cars. Amigxs de la Tierra have carried out incendiary attacks against luxury cars in the most capitalist […]
Demo banned downtown – Evade repression – Decentralized action day instead The bulls (aka cops), the pigs, they go nuts According to local mainstream media, the unauthorized demonstration for liberated spaces that was planned in solidarity with anti-authoritarian structures, squats and social centres in Greece for the 2nd of March […]
Demonstration in memory of anarchist Lambros Foundas, member of Revolutionary Struggle… Three years ago, on the 10th of March 2010, comrade Lambros Foundas was killed in armed battle with the police in the suburb of Dafni, Athens, in his attempt to expropriate a car which would have been used in an […]