In Buenos Aires streets, we painted a mural in solidarity with the squats in Greece and the world, in the context of the call for a Black February.
This action is symbolic; we do not believe that by painting a wall we put the Greek government into checkmate for its attack on squatted spaces that defy Power. However, we do see in it the potential of what it could mean – that is, not to turn a deaf ear to a cry for international solidarity.
Admittedly, a squat in itself poses no threat to Power and its ethics. This is reflected by the thousands of squats that are used as ‘party centres’ – real discotheque-squats. The danger is posed by the approach and practices of those who give life to each space, of those who maintain it and resist day to day without fear before a future police-state onslaught. Various examples come to mind when we recall evictions in the specific context of police raids: Sacco y Vanzetti squat in Chile, Flor do Asfalto squat in Brazil, or the case of Nadir occupied space in Thessaloniki–Greece.
We welcome the good news about Gabriel Pombo Da Silva (transferred to a Madrid prison) and Mario López (released from prison under bail). Strength, comrades!
Direct action for Freddy, Marcelo and Juan (in preparation for the ‘security case’ oral trial, which now resumes) and for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire prisoners and Theofilos Mavropoulos.