RadioAzione reports that, as of December 15th, imprisoned comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is on hunger strike in solidarity with anarchist Marco Camenisch, who is facing yet another proceeding starting from scratch regarding his just request for conditional release.
Gabriel will be on strike in the prison of Aachen, Germany, until the 21st of December. Then it will be the turn of comrade Elisa Di Bernardo, who is held in the prison of Rebibbia, Italy. She will conduct hunger strike in the week from the 22nd to the 29th of December. A confirmation of a third round is awaited, which will likely include a strike by comrade Sergio Maria Stefani, incarcerated in the prison of Alessandria, Italy.
As Gabriel already suggested, the solidarity strike can be continued even in January 2013, if fellow prisoners are willing and able to participate in this protest for the immediate liberation of Marco.
Elisa (editor of Culmine, along with prisoner Stefano Gabriele Fosco) as well as Sergio are among the eight comrades who have been remanded in custody in the context of ‘Operation Boldness (Ardire)’. The particular anti-anarchist construct was initiated by the Italian State in June 2012, and implicates Marco and Gabriel, too, among others.
To all the comrades outside the prison walls, who want to feel closeness with Marco and other imprisoned anarchists: you do just that; let solidarity with imprisoned comrades shine.