Video from the “Saturday’s gratuitous bazaar”, based on exchange and re-use, that took place on June 9th at the central gate of Alsos Pangratiou in Athens Upcoming open-air bazaars in the neighbourhoods of Vyronas, Kaisariani and Pangrati: Saturday, July 14th, at Tsirakopoulou square in Vyronas by 19.30 (GMT+2) Saturday, September […]
Daily Archives: July 13, 2012
3 posts
Savvas Xiros has not yet been transferred to Thessaloniki’s hospital, and remains in the dungeon of Koridallos prisons. The public prosecutor of Piraeus reintroduced the case of Savvas’ motion for a stay of execution of his sentence. The prosecutor now demands that the prisoner will not be treated in a […]
Note from ABC Berlin: Anarchist Marco Camenisch, imprisoned in Switzerland, has drafted a first letter regarding the “operation boldness” (operazione ardire). He is one of the accused in this frenzied construct against anarchists in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Greece. Here follows a translation of Marco’s words (we gave it our […]