you may read related call-outs and info here

On Sunday, April 22nd, a protest demo took place in solidarity with three imprisoned fighters who were arrested during the general strike mobilization on March 29th. In Catalonia Square, a group of demonstrators placed solidarity banners for Stella Antoniou and all political prisoners. More than 2,000 protesters took to the streets of Barcelona, claiming the immediate release of the three 29M strikers.
As for the recent wave of arrests, in Barcelona and Tarragona, the six arrestees were reportedly released (two of them were freed on bail of 6,000 euros each).
The passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons
Immediate release of Stella Antoniou
Solidarity with comrades in Greece who fight against the fascist regime and its minions
source/more photos here — check also the report on barcelona.indymedia
Barcelona: Chronicle of the crackdown after March 29th (in Spanish)