Protest at Athens city hall (tragicomic video)

The contract staff of the Municipal Computerization (DAEM, a City of Athens corporation) is threatened with mass layoff. As they mentioned in an earlier press release, “The Greek government, which for years refused to accept the change of the designation of our contracts so that they would represent the true nature of our work, is now trying to stop even the courts from examining such cases. This has led us to live facing the risk of dismissal and unemployment during a very difficult economic period.”

On Monday, November 14th, nearly 800 other precarious workers of Athens municipality tried to storm the city hall and intervene in the city council meeting (which they did by entering the hall from the back door!). Anarchists have no affiliation with these workers whatsoever (among other things, contract municipal workers hanged Greek national flags when they occupied the city hall back in March 2011). Nevertheless, the video of their new protest — accompanied by music and police repression — depicts a part of the ongoing tragicomic reality in Greece.


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