Police with more than ten riot vans, and evidence gathering unit, raided a squat on Park Row this afternoon looking for a man. The cops were looking for and trying to seize computers, mobile phones, hammers, gloves, paint, anarchist literature and Indymedia-related material. This suggests that it was connected to the recent attack against the Bristol Evening Post offices on the night of Thursday, August 11th.
The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) and the corporate media are part of the repressive tools of the capitalist system, they are nose to arse with the British politicians and ruling class.
The reason for the attack on the Evening Post is pasted below:
‘Thursday night despite heavy police presence in the city centre and across Bristol we smashed all the front bottom windows and some of the higher ones at the Evening Post headquarters and decorated the front with paint bombs. The paper has estimated 20,000 pounds damage.
The media demonizes those who choose to resist and fight back, opening the way for more repression against us all. They attempt to divert our attention away from the real everyday thugs and looters —the cops and capitalists, who routinely get away with large-scale theft and murder.
This is part of the divisive strategy of rulers to get us fearing and fighting each other and taking sides with authority against rebels.
This action was made by people who are not fooled. They do not understand our anger as an unstoppable force that will not be stopped by batons or bullets —we fight with all means for a future of complete liberty we have yet to know.
When the gloves come off and the social war has never been clearer, the class enemy reply on corporate media to be used as just another weapon against us all who want something better for our own lives and those yet to come.
Let’s see the bosses and politicians scrabble to be seen with brooms on the streets —it’s their mess come back to bite them, the lines are drawn: this is what Big fucked Society looks like.’
Against state repression,