In late 80s and early 90s, the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) and other left parties and organizations in Turkey run big campaigns against tourists’ visiting in the particular State. Their concept was simple: tourists from wealthy European countries or North America cannot come and lay their money down in a […]
Activists in solidarity to the Zapatista movement and Mexican insurgents disrupt an event which was part of the Mexican embassy's celebration of the 100 years since the Mexican revolution and liberation of the state of Mexico from Spain on the same date of the EZLN establishment. Leaflets were handed out, a document was read, slogans were shouted and two banners were opened in the auditorium denouncing the war against the Zapatista movement and the insurgents of Mexico.
The signs of war on the horizon are clear. War has the same smell as fear; and now it exudes its stench in our land. Rebellious Subcommander Marcos, December 2007 If the signs of war were evident in December 2007, attacks in recent months show that war breaks out continuously […]