In the city centre: Daily beatings, tortures, thefts against immigrants source athens.indymedia Cops, fascists, plainclothes cops, racist civil servants, an impenetrable tangle of thugs make the everyday ‘life’ of immigrants who move in downtown Athens a living hell. Here are, apparently, only a few of the facts that immigrants suffer […]
universities In the morning of Monday, February 6th, a warning regarding police presence close to the main gate of the university campus mobilized the students’ movement and other supporters. It was the deadline for the repossession of the students’ autonomous space, known as Moradia Retomada (‘Retaken House’), located on the […]
Your training is a prison The term ‘training’ in the preceding sentence could well refer to animals that are forced to learn acts to perform in a circus almost throughout their lives. And what the aforementioned animals experience does not differ much from what a person experiences in contemporary society. […]
On Wednesday noon, August 24th, Container squat in the University campus in Zografou, Ilissia district, has been invaded and evicted. The occupied container was smashed, and all items were removed and confiscated. Students from the occupied rectorate building at Propylaea, in downtown Athens, called for a discussion–briefing at 9 pm regarding […]
Wednesday night in Volos was particularly enjoyable.. After a day that began with safeguarding the strike at Volos’s industrial zone and went on with the demonstration of 2000 people, we thought of “cancelling” the concert that DAP(rightwing student union) intended to organise at the university with a pop singer. It […]