The comrades of the Sindicato de Artes e Ofícios Vários de Araxá (Syndicate of Various Arts and Crafts of Araxá), Minas Gerais, Brazil, affiliated to the Confederação Operária Brasileira (Brazilian Workers’ Confederation), Brazilian section of the International Workers Association, are under pressure from FF Commercial (Lotto and Finta brands) with […]
3 posts
yesterday’s emigrants are today’s immigrants On June 9th, 2011, the police forcibly evacuated and destroyed the immigrants’ settlement in Igoumenitsa. Dozens of them were arrested while many were forced to flee to the mainland. Some arrived in our city [Ioannina, northwestern Greece]. Immigrants — that are the most underrated and […]
The working people in the industrial zone of Volos, we live for good the after-effects of the capitalist financial crisis and the antipopular attack of the IMF memorandum: Dismissals, shutdown of production units, violent reduction of wages. Facing this reality, even working people who have not yet received an attack […]