Group of anarchists on the 31st of October left a banner on the building of the Philological Faculty in Belgrade with the text: “Against brainwashing, suck ups, future politicians and managers. Down with the schools! For free knowledge!” This banner was made in the context of current student protests.
student protests
1. Student problems as such, as specific problems, don’t exist. Problems that students have are closely related to the totality of society, that is, the totality of what represents the life of every student. Inability to pay tuition is not only caused by (ever increasing) amount of university fees, but […]
On Wednesday the 11th of December 2013, an unknown till then student organization planned to discuss the hazards of GMO foods in the premises of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Among others, fascist Miroslav Živković, coordinator of the campaign “For Serbia without GMO” of the nationalist clerical political party […]
Click here to read a solidarity statement released in conjunction with the end of the campus strike at IU, in Bloomington, Indiana.
In October 2012, San José (capital of Costa Rica) saw a large student demonstration against a veto that the country’s president Laura Chinchilla Miranda put on the law amendment which suggested the free use of copyrighted material or intellectual property for nonprofit educational purposes. In other words, she recently blocked […]
In Agrinio, approximately 350 school students held a commemorative demonstration for Alexis Grigoropoulos, who was shot dead by cops on December 6th, 2008. When the anti-repression march reached the city hall, the youths stormed the DIAS police motorcycle team that guarded the building. Firebombs and stones were thrown at the […]
On the morning of November 6th, 2012 three anarchist high-school students were taken into police custody in front of İsmail Erez Industrial Vocational High School in Istanbul, while they were passing out fliers against vocational training. Cops beat the three comrades and forced them into patrol cars. In previous months, […]
Story of a clear defiance played out before our eyes. Esperanza, why are you hiding? (How direct action and struggle is the only way forward.) September 3rd. Inaugural ceremony of the academic year at the School of Medicine of the Madrid Autonomous University (UAM). The ceremony is annually attended by […]
In an effort to keep up actions in solidarity with the Contra Info callout, new slogans have appeared in the Canary Islands. Moreover, a small banner was found in one of the main accesses to the town which reads: “Neither Gold in Halkidiki or Oil in Lanzarote. Down with Multinationals!”, […]
“You can cut down all of the flowers but you cannot stop the spring” —poster circulating around the strike THE LAWS On Friday, May 18th, 2012, two new laws came into effect in Montréal. Their purpose is to stifle the anti-capitalist revolt that has emerged from the student strike that […]
December 1st, 2011 April 18th, 2012 On April 18th, 2012, several individuals, most commonly called ‘capuchos’/hooded—anarchists in their great majority—assembled in the University of Antioquia in Medellín aiming at clashing against all authority, in order to demonstrate their diverse struggles and staging of freedom as praxis, that is […]
A demonstration against the neo-colonial project “Plan Nord” (North Plan), which seeks to exploit to a maximum extent the minerals in Québec’s northernmost territories for the profit of mining companies, has turned into a street battle between insurgents and riot police, with an intensity and length rarely seen in Montréal. […]