Black December Black December is coming, and none too soon. We’ve hashed out our theories and we’ve analyzed our reality, we know what kind of future we want and what we are going to have to tear apart in order to get it. The time for philosophizing and talking it […]
Sean Swain
Received on September 15th: We’re not sure what’s going on, but Sean Swain has been blocked from receiving (and presumably sending) JPay emails. He also has not called his primary supporters, or The Final Straw for a new radio segment. We’ll probably hear from him via snail mail sooner or […]
Received on August 27th: Hello Swainiacs! Sean’s having a rough time and could use our help. We haven’t heard much from him since his transfer to Warren Correctional, and it wasn’t until one of us visited him yesterday that we fully understood why. His access to communication has been frustrated […]
The Fuckweasels at the ODRC seem to have both run out of excuses for silencing Sean, and realized that suspending his communication access indefinitely without investigation or slightest pretext of a rationale is going to make it hard for even the boot-licking federal judges to decide the civil rights lawsuit […]
Intro Letter: 1, 2 Deposition: In the State of Ohio ss In the County of Scioto I, Sean Swain, being duly sworn according to law, hereby depose to state: 1. I am competent to testify to the facts related herein, to which I have direct knowledge. 2. I write this […]