NEITHER IN NIKAIA, NOR ANYWHERE BASH THE FASH IN EVERY NEIGHBOURHOOD During the last months, parastatal neo-Nazi rippers of the ‘Golden Dawn’ [Chrissi Avgi] have made their appearance attempting to pour their fascist, nationalist and racist poison in the neighbourhood of Nikaia. The fascist ideology and its murderous-antisocial practices are […]
We are immigrants and refugees from across Greece. We came here persecuted by poverty, unemployment, wars, and dictatorships. Western multinational companies and their political servants in our countries, left us with no choice but to risk our lives ten times to get to the door of Europe. The West which […]
From a street poster of December 2010 (in Athens): Frontex makes war at borders! THE WAR AGAINST IMMIGRANTS CONTINUES AND IS EXACERBATED The advent of several hundred ‘professional’ murderers of Frontex (since early November of 2010) moves towards this exacerbation. The Frontex has not arrived just to capture or ‘redirect’ […]
I came to Greece thinking that I arrived in a real place. I thought I would be recognised here, that I would have a place in this world. I am wondering now, is there really a place for me? Nobody seems to know where to put me. I am alive. […]
During the first seven months of the year 2010, 28 human beings dies while attempting to cross the heavily guarded Turkish-Greek border. The corpses of the dead are being transferred to the department of forensic medicine of the university clinic of Alexandroupoulis. Since they can often not be identified, only […]