In the night between Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th of November 2013, Nazis sabotaged the Infoshop Iskra (“Spark”) in Zadar. Oppressors smashed the glass windows and mottled the walls with fascist graffiti (“Vukovar”, “Škabrnja”) as well as Ustaša symbols, same as swastikas. This attack is not a big surprise […]
ReciKLAONICA squat
3 posts
On January 19th, 2013 at the Square of the Victims of Fascism in Zagreb an international protest was held on the occasion of expressing solidarity with antifascists in Greece who organized protests on the same day against Golden Dawn, the parliamentary party with the extremist xenophobic rhetoric and violent political […]
ReciKLAONICA squat, located on 66, Heinzelova Street in Zagreb, is threatened with eviction. The informal collective of artists and social activists that develops its activities in the spaces of the old abandoned Zagrepčanka factory, owned by Zagrebački Holding, is addressing a call-out for solidarity against the eviction of the squat […]