Anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Guillermo were arrested in Santiago on September 18th 2014. Juan is held in pretrial detention in the Santiago 1 prison, accused of involvement in two bomb attacks that occurred on July 13th and September 8th 2014, and were claimed by the Conspiracy of Cells of […]
pretrial incarceration
Today, April 6th 2015, the mother of two members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – comrades Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos – walked out of Koridallos prison. Her bail has been set at 10,000 euros. The companion of Gerasimos Tsakalos is still in custody (since 2/3). According to people […]
On April 1st, Athena Tsakalou (mother of the Tsakalos brothers) stated that she refuses to walk out of prison until her daughter-in-law is also granted release. The two women, who were remanded in custody over the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire intended prison escape, are currently sharing a cell in […]
If the judicial authorities have the power to make the world succumb to their laws and what’s more to the overcoming of laws, this doesn’t prove that quality prevails, but rather that they can turn the world into Kafkaesque hell. There are certain occurrences that make you stand before yourself […]
A brief chronicle of the past few days: While the Greek society is watching the post-election fables of the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition government in an almost dormant state, incarcerated anarchists and combative prisoners in the galleys of democracy have once again decided to clash with the Power and its laws, using […]
Today, March 5th 2015, Angeliki Spyropoulou was sent to pretrial detention in Koridallos prison, accused of involvement in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan. The comrade has been on hunger strike since the day of her arrest (2/3) for the immediate release of the mother and the wife […]
Since Saturday, February 28th, 2015, six persons have been arrested in relation to the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan. Two of the arrestees have reportedly been released. However, the mother of Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the wife of the latter have been remanded to prison, absurdly accused […]
According to latest updates via the Radiozones of Subversive Expression (, as of March 4th 2015 anarchist prisoner of war Panagiotis Michalakoglou, currently held in the prison of Nigrita in Serres, begins a continued abstention from prison food in a minimum display of solidarity with the ten imprisoned members of […]
On March 2nd 2015, cops arrested Angeliki Spyropoulou, who was wanted by authorities in relation to the case of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan. However, the police have also arrested a close friend of the brother of Giorgos Polidoros, a personal friend of Athena Tsakalou (mother of […]
On December 16, Operation Pandora was unleashed. The State’s security forces burst into different houses and squats in Barcelona and Madrid, and eleven anarchist comrades were kidnapped. This kidnapping—and it couldn’t have been done any other way—was coordinated with the media, who helped justify and legitimate it with heart and […]
If I were to choose a different life I would not change it for anything I vividly remember the intoxicating feeling that came over me when I began to question authority; I remember the many contradictions and questions. In this discovery of ideas I found many people that made their […]
The morning of Tuesday the 16th of December has surprised us with a wave of house raids and arrests. Surprised us? We are not going to lie. Let’s start again. The morning of the 16th of December has NOT surprised us. The autonomous Catalan police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, and the […]