A two-day event in solidarity with all squats, self-organized projects and self-managed structures of counter-information (targeted by repression ever since the first police raid on Villa Amalias squat on the 20th of December 2012) was called for the 15th and the 16th of February 2013 in the Athens Polytechnic School, […]
Polytechnic School
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VLTaS2TLiI Early in the morning of Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 dozens of people re-squatted Villa Amalias. Heavy anti-riot police forces that encircled the building threw repeatedly tear gas inside. At approximately 9.20am, anti-riot squadrons (MAT, YMET) along with the EKAM special suppressive antiterrorist unit were deployed in the area, smashed […]
11 years of Indymedia Athens 11 years of self-organized anti-commercial counter-information We overthrow the communication structures of the existent to open the way to a new society On Saturday, December 1st, by 20.30pm, a DIY live concert will be held in the Polytechnic School (entrance from Stournari Street, Athens) for the […]
The lazy are slaughtered, the world grows industrious./ The ugly are slaughtered, the world grows beautiful./ The fools are slaughtered, the world grows wise./ The sick are slaughtered, the world grows healthy./ The old are slaughtered, the world grows young./ The sad are slaughtered, the world grows cheerful./ The enemies […]
Anarchist posters calling for demonstrations on November 17th, commemorating the Athens Polytechnic uprising in 1973 against the Greek military junta (1967–1974): Faced with economic and political crash we should create the conditions for the revolutionary organization of our class, wherever social and class struggle is daily developed, and crash the […]
CALL – DISCUSSION About the anarchists’ presence in the three-day manifestation of the Polytechnic Uprising anniversary, after the demo’s incidents on the strike day in Syntagma (20.10.2011). About safeguarding the anarchist interventions from any provocations and challenges by political parties’ mechanisms. Thursday, November 3rd, 2011, at 19.00 in Athens Polytechnic […]
Letter from a 22-year-old man who was hospitalized after he was violently detained from a police squad while leaving the DIY concert of the free radio station 98 FM at Athens Polytechnic School on Friday, July 8th (after midnight). On July 14th an investigating judge visited Erithros Stavros [Red Cross] […]
Athens free radio station 98 FM organizes a concert on Friday, July 8th, at 22.00 (GMT+2), in the courtyard of the Polytechnic School (Polytechnio, Patission Street —entrance from Stournari Street). The groups ACHAIREFTOI, METHISMENA XOTIKA, INDICO, WAXING GIBBOUS will play live. Revenues will also be collected for the equipment’s fund […]