Yesterday, February 7th, a picketing of more than ten people was held near the Serbian embassy in Moscow against the resumption of prosecution against Serbian anarchists —the so-called ‘Belgrade Six’ (BG6). This action, part of an international solidarity campaign, was organized by the Moscow group ‘Autonomous Action’ (Автономное Действие) and […]
political trial
According to your court indictment, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is a terrorist organization. But words were never, nor are or will ever be neutral. Words acquire the meaning given by the person who uses them. We do not speak the language of the judges and prosecutors. We speak the […]
Banners from PA’s gathering on Saturday, January 21st, in Athens “The social revolution is the only response to the crisis Solidarity with those prosecuted for the Revolutionary Struggle case” “Solidarity with the members of Revolutionary Struggle Solidarity with those prosecuted for the same case Freedom to K.Katsenos who is prosecuted […]
Dear comrades, We would like to inform you that on February 8th, 2012, there will be a renewed trial against four members of the Serbian Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI), as well as two unaffiliated Belgrade anarchists, as part of the fabricated legal case of the Belgrade Six (BG6). The six Belgrade […]
Polykarpos (Polys) Georgiadis and Vaggelis Chrysochoidis are two comrades imprisoned since August 2008, accused of accomplice in the kidnapping for ransom of the president (at the time) of northern Greece’s industrialist union Giorgos Mylonas in Thessaloniki by Vassilis Palaiokostas, a prison escapee and widely popular bandit, since “he has never […]
Against the wall of silence surrounding the trial and the political discourse of the accused in the Revolutionary Struggle case and against the criminalization of solidarity as expressed by the prosecutions for the occupation of flash radio station
On January 19th, 2012, a huge demonstration took place in İstanbul. According to some sources, more than 50,000 people took to the streets to protest the court’s decision regarding the murder of Hrant Dink case. Hrant Dink was an editor of the newspaper AGOS, which was the voice of the […]
In April 2010, in a joint letter with my comrades Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, we claimed political responsibility for our participation in Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas). We declared that we’re proud of the organization and our fellow fighter Lambros Foundas, who was killed by cops in the armed scuffle […]
‘Revolution is the only solution for the complete exit from the crisis’ A collection of letters, texts and communiqués from the armed group Revolutionary Struggle and their accused. Released during their current trial in Athens and intended to be one more nail in the coffin of the legitimacy of the […]
SOLIDARITY with the members of REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE and all those who are prosecuted for the same case The call for the solidarity gathering The case of social liberation within a revolutionary perspective is always current because the chains of the repressed of this decayed world will only break if we […]
Second trial of the ‘Halandri case’ – Day 2, December 20th, 2011 Special court of Koridallos women’s prisons Before the hearing was adjourned, the four defendants made a statement. Christos Tsakalos read it after explaining that, ‘We want to read a political statement in regard to the facts of our […]
SOLIDARITY GATHERING PA’s regarding the case of REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE Sunday 18/12 at 13.00, Kapnikarea Square (Ermou St.) Solidarity with the members of REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE Kostas Gournas, Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and all those who are prosecuted for the same case, Christoforos Kortesis, Vaggelis Stathopoulos, Sarantos Nikitopoulos, Kostas Katsenos, Marie Beraha, […]