November 12th rioting: Riots broke out in the streets of central Athens on November 12th 2015, day of general strike. Before the morning demonstration, hooded protesters chased a team of uniformed cops who were patrolling on foot near the Archeological Museum, in Patission Street, and beat up at least one […]
November 17
In the early hours of Sunday the 17th of November, as I returned home, I saw “Kalaitzidis : Grammos–Vitsi” spray-painted at the entrance along with the Celtic cross and the initials “X.A.” on it, which stand for Chrissi Avgi, the Golden Dawn neo-Nazi party [Grammos and Vitsi are two mountains […]
On Sunday, November 20th, comrades in solidarity with the 13 arrestees of the November 17th demo organize a party for financial aid in Exarchia Square. The event starts at 15.00 and continues until late in the evening. On Monday, November 21st, a solidarity gathering will be held at Evelpidon courts, […]
(18.30 GMT+2) People built up flaming barricades alongside Alexandras Avenue. Earlier a police cubicle outside the EU building on Vasilissis Sofias Avenue was set ablaze. Public lights were off outside the US Embassy, from where most of the demonstrator blocks have already left. KKE/PAME block is still headed towards the […]
November 17, 2010. 37 years after the Polytechnic uprising, dynamic demonstrations took place almost nationwide. The state put thousands of cops and secret cops to enforce the “order” with brutal attacks in most cities but the state terrorism did not pass. The mass media did one-minute (and of course one-sided) […]
The uprising of the Polytechnic in 1973, was the raging outburst of all the rebels and the fighting spirits, who once more overthrew every stereotype and characteristic attributed to them by the Dominant ideology. It was neither an isolated nor a random incident. It was prepared and pre-announced by organized […]