On November 14th the prison inmates Giorgos Unan and Elias Rivon appeared before the Court of Appeals due to judicial backlogs. There, after a verbal dispute with some cops-murderers, both were locked up inside a room and beaten savagely. But this wasn’t enough… After they had their hands tied behind […]
Koridallos prisons
After a decision order by Athens Judicial Council that met earlier today, October 6th, comrades Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa and Kostas Gournas will be released from Koridallos prisons on Tuesday, October 11th. All three members of Revolutionary Struggle reached the limit of 18month pretrial detention. Their release was ordered on […]
‘Today, October 2nd, in Koridallos women’s prison we take a protest stance refusing to enter the cells and wards. We are protesting for the cuts in food, including fruits and milk, which are not supplied to us for a long time now. In particular, today the breakfast was not enough […]
We more or less know the facts. On Monday, September 12th, comrades Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou after having been transferred to Koridallos prisons for a formal council were transferred back to Domokos prisons. Both refused to undergo the humiliation of inner-body search, and were violently attacked there by humanguards […]
On Tuesday, September 13th, 275 inmates in the 1st wing of Koridallos men’s prisons refused to enter the prison cells in solidarity with two imprisoned members of the anarchist revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, namely Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou who were transferred to Domokos prisons yesterday, September […]
On September 17th, 2010, four people robbed a branch of National Bank of Greece at gunpoint in the town of Psachna on Evia Island (north of Athens). A half hour later, on a motorway road in Panorama area near the island’s capital Chalkida a 27-year-old man, a 28-year-old man and […]
A solidarity banner in Exarchia square for Christos Kolentinis and all imprisoned comrades. On Friday night, July 8th, C.K. was arrested, tortured by the bastards of MAT (riot police) and hospitalized with severe wounds. A solidarity poster by the Self-organized Hangout Ano-Kato Patission (Koliatsou square) has also been pasted during […]
International call for solidarity with the Revolutionary Struggle The 5th of October has been set as the day that the trial of the Revolutionary Organization Revolutionary Struggle will begin. The trial will take place in the court room of Koridallos prisons. Eight accused will stand trial, who according to a […]
Prisoners of the 1st wing of Koridallos prisons rebelled and they issued the following statement: We, the prisoners of the 1st wing of Koridallos prisons rebel today, Saturday May 14th, 2011, and we deny the midday check and lock of the cells. We may be imprisoned for various reasons and […]
Ultimately, the magistrate judges’ council – blinded by class hatred – accepted the prosecutor’s motion deeming Fee Marie Meyer ‘suspected for fleeing’ and asking for her temporary detention, so the 27-year-old German comrade was led to prison. Her lawyers in defense announced: ‘After her public humiliation on her “alleged terrorist […]
regular updates by act for freedom now i, ii also here: conspiracy cells of fire January 17th, 1st day of the trial: Early in the morning the atmosphere in Koridallos was asphyxiating. Police everywhere and very few comrades. Around 11 am people gathered on the pavement outside the prison/court to […]
The poster reads: Shortly before the parliamentary elections of 2009, the anti-terror cops invaded the house of Haris Hadjimihelakis in Halandri (northern suburb of Athens), where they awaited him and arrested him. Three more people were arrested, P.Massouras, M.G. and his girlfriend. Hadjimihelakis, Massouras and M.G. were held in pretrial […]