On Friday, May 23rd, 2014 we paint-bombed the Italian consulate in Iruña/Pamplona (which is located near the central police station of the city) in solidarity with anarchist comrades and in the context of the international days of solidarity with: Nicola, Alfredo, Gianluca, Adriano, Marco Camenisch, Mattia, Claudio, Niccolò, Chiara and […]
As a part of the solidarity days with the anarchist prisoners in Italy, a group of anarchists showed their solidarity during the DIY-festival “Pajafest” in Helsinki, Finland on the 18th of May 2014. A banner was revealed that read: “Nicola (Gai), Alfredo (Cospito), Niccolò, Mattia, Claudio, Chiara – Freedom for […]
Genoa, April 25th, 2014 – An homage to those who have fought and those who still struggle for freedom. We set fire to the private scooter of Pantanella, operator of DIGOS [General Investigations and Special Operations Division]. We’re only sorry that the arson took place near an occupied house; we […]
In solidarity with the NO TAV movement we hung a banner at the Italian embassy in Bern. Terrorists are those who ravage and destroy our lives and spaces in which we live. War on Capital! War on the State! Freedom for Chiara, Claudio, Niccolò and Mattia! Freedom for Marco! Terrorist […]
On the night of February 22nd, we poured a mixture of sand and water into the fuel tanks of two tractors used in the construction of a new Atlanta streetcar. The streetcar is one of many major development projects the city has initiated in the past few years as a […]
On February 22, 2014, day of action in solidarity with NO TAV, a PA’s gathering took place in Monastiraki, central Athens (photos here). Below is a leaflet that was distributed, in Greek and English, to passersby.
In solidarity with the comrades arrested on December 9th, 2013 accused of actions against the high-speed rail, on Monday, January 27th, in the early evening, a group of some twenty anarchists interrupted traffic on the eastern ring road near the new Tiburtina railway station, which will soon be dedicated to […]
Syncope is a momentary suspension of the blood flow and the cerebral activity provoking a sudden and temporary blackout. The effects can be irrelevant, limited to momentary discombobulating, but sometimes they can be worse. In some cases, if the interruption of the blood flow in the human organism is extended […]
On December 20th, 2013 anarchist Sergio Maria Stefani finally walked out of the Italian galleys, having completed 18 months of pretrial detention. Sergio was the last one of the prosecuted in operation ‘Ardire’ that remained incarcerated. As was the case with the rest of his co-accused comrades, he was released […]
On November 24th, several compañerxs unfolded a banner from the top of the Berlin Cathedral, which read “Solidarity with the 5 anarch@s from Barcelona – Freedom for all” referring to Gerardo, Rocío, Valeria, Mónica and Francisco, who were arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, 2013. The comrades are accused under […]
Genoa, November 12th, 2013: The sentences against Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito were announced this morning, in the abbreviated proceeding of first instance for kneecapping Adinolfi, act vindicated by both anarchists in the courtroom during the previous session, on October 30th. The comrades did not attend this hearing. The sentences […]