received 2018/08/06 First appeared as „Ein Gespräch mit einigen Militanten über die informelle Koordinierung im Vorfeld der G20“ in Rauchzeichen, a magazine published by Autonomous Groups, Fall 2017 and now first published in English on . This is late, but not too late. We can use this conversation to […]
received 6 / 24 /18 Unknown persons destroyed the windows of the russian visacenter in Kanalstr. 14a, Hamburg, the night of the 22.06. Also “FUCK FIFA!”, “FIGHT REPRESSION!” and”(A)” was spraypainted on the fassade. Since autumn 2017 there are repressive attacks against anarchists in different russian cities, in Belarus and […]
Saturday / february the 17th / 15:30 Info-talk on the case of Peike from Amsterdam, currently standing trial in Hamburg for alleged participation in the G20 riots last summer. He has been convicted to 2 years and 7 months imprisonment, but on the 9th of february his higher appeal started. […]
Summary for our internationalist comrades G20-Repression Prisoners * Conditions in the prison * Trials * Video- and Photo publications * House raids The G20 summit and the euphoric days in the streets of the Schanzenviertel were shaped by the massive anger and motivation to attack, which we did not expect […]
Last weekend, we have put up an solidarity graffiti of eighty meters long opposite the police headquarters and training center of The Hague, the Netherlands with the text: Burn all prisons. The graffiti is in solidarity with Lisa and Peike who are both in German prisons. Lisa is imprisoned for […]
Received 10-01-2017 Yesterday (30-9-2017) a manifestation took place in Amsterdam in solidarity with comrades who are momentarily in prison after the G20 protests in Hamburg (Germany) this July. After the manifestation a spontaneous demonstration started through the inner city of Amsterdam. 100 people took part in the manifestation in solidarity […]
received 09-23-2017 The trial that will see Riccardo accused will be held on 5 October at 9.00 at the court of Altona – Hamburg (Max Bauer Allee 91.) It will be open but we donot yet know whether the judgment will be on the same day or will slip to […]
received 9/15/17 The date of the hearing against Riccardo, an anarchist charged with criminal offences relating to riot days against G20 in Hamburg in July, is set. It will be held on 5 October at the Court of Hamburg. We call on everyone to take part in solidarity presence, organised […]
The Vrije Bond from Amsterdam, has started an own initative of solidarity, to support the comrade, sentenced to 2 years an 7 months in Hamburg for having participated in the protest against the G20 summit in July. Money is desperately needed and could be transferred to the following bank account: […]
Pictures from solidemo with activists imprisoned in Hamburg.The demonstration was on Monday 07.08.2017 in Warsaw in the front of German embassy. in German
received on 05.08.17 On the website “Linksunten”, one can find a anonymous note that a car of a private security company called “Personen-Objekt-Werkschutz GmbH” has been set on fire in the night of the 3rd of August. Whoever posted this, whoever committed this act, didn`t have too much to say […]