The banner which was placed at Dimarhiou Square in Veria reads: “By tearing down all authority, we built structures of autonomy and self-organization – Solidarity with Draka (Corfu), Delta (Thessaloniki) and Apertus (Agrinio) squats – Β(Α)RUTI”
Draka squat
Following numerous actions across Greece in previous days in solidarity with Apertus squat in the town of Agrinio and Draka squat in the town of Corfu, which got hit by arson attacks, people from Patission 61 & Skaramaga squat expressed their factual support as well, by spreading counter-information on the […]
In the evening of Friday, July 13th, at about 20.30, fire broke out in the building of the housing project and political squat Draka. The squat is located on one of the most central streets of the town of Corfu. No comrade was inside the building when the fire broke […]
In the evening of April 10th, 2012, an initiative of comrades from social centres/squats on Corfu held a gathering in Georgaki Square in solidarity with the NO TAV movement, including related screenings from the ongoing struggle, distribution of counter-informative texts and a banner. If you ask why the NO TAV […]
THEY’VE TRIED EVERYTHING TO BURY US, BUT THEY FORGOT THAT WE ARE SEEDS. We occupy the empty buildings. We base our life on equality and solidarity. The roots of self-organization are spreading by diffusing revolutionary projectualities, until the foundations of every form of oppression are demolished. Against the reality of […]