“We do a warm call to all comrades who can recognize themselves in it to contribute to the project of Avalanche, an international anarchist correspondence, in the way they consider most appropriate. Among many other occasions and opportunities we hope this project offers space to the strengthening of the relationships […]
On December 5th, in the evening, several people gathered in the Schanze district of Hamburg in order to show their solidarity with the five anarchists who were arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, 2013. Leaflets were shared and read out, some slogans chanted and fireworks lit. There were also banners […]
Anarchists always appropriated means to spread anti-authoritarian ideas and struggles to feed the dialogue and subversive action. It is in this sense that this publication is also intended as a tool, more precisely that of providing a space to nourish the international debate between anarchists. That is why these particular […]
The court date for the double robbery in Velventos (near Kozani) is set for November 29, 2013. Initially the proceeding was due to take place in the Court of Appeals in Athens. However, the location for the trial was recently transferred to the special courtroom inside Koridallos women’s prison, because […]
Here is an article from the anarchist newssheet “Wut im Bauch” (distributed only in paper form) about recent events in Hamburg. Additionally, there is a short report-back from a further “wild stroll” against control, which occurred recently. The texts in German here. Out of Control For the last few months, […]
We will have two comrades from Heraklion and Ioannina coming to speak about antifascism, publishing and collectives. We will hear about: 1. Antifascism. The speakers will give an update on events and incidents of the last year and will discuss the actions, strategy and targets of the antifascist movement in […]
To break out of the encirclement! We ask comrades to send us new publications produced by the anarchist movement in Italian, English and Spanish. We also invite those who have printed leaflets, posters, articles on our case to pass them on to us and of course to keep us informed […]
In early October 2011, anarchists Reyhart Rumbayan (Eat) and Billy Augustan were arrested and accused of arson on a bank ATM. In addition, an arrest warrant was issued against K., who is still at large —we wish the comrade to stay forever uncaught! Eat and Billy, untamed and proud members […]
Anarchist solidarians in Madrid released two pamphlets which contain translations of summaries of trial sessions in Koridallos women’s prisons and political statements of prosecuted comrades, as well as interventions in the two-day event ‘For the Struggle and the Revolution,’ that was held on June 7-8, 2012 in Athens, and other […]
On the morning of November 6th, 2012 three anarchist high-school students were taken into police custody in front of İsmail Erez Industrial Vocational High School in Istanbul, while they were passing out fliers against vocational training. Cops beat the three comrades and forced them into patrol cars. In previous months, […]