Ultimatum given to the Senate of Hamburg The Hamburg Senate is responsible for racial profiling as part of a manhunt against Libyan refugees. It affects people who managed to get from Italy’s southernmost island Lampedusa to Hamburg, and are now facing state persecution. Governors have pushed the escalation to a […]
deportation threat
On 10th August under cover of darkness we targeted the construction contractors Van Omme & De Groot for their involvement in the building of Rotterdam detention centre. The slogan “Fuck Deportation!” was sprayed upon the shutters covering the windows and paint bombs filled with generous amounts of bright paint were […]
Last night a group of people went to make noise at the new location of the Schiphol deportation prison (Amsterdam). It is an international tradition on New Year’s Eve to go to the prisons to break the silence and isolation. In the new Schiphol prison ‘De Poort’ over 1,000 people […]
An anti-prison poster was pasted in many German cities, which reads: New Year’s Eve in front of prisons! Everywhere, from the deportation centres to the penal institutions! Noise demonstrations in front of prisons during the New Year’s Eve are an ongoing tradition at several places in this world to remember […]
November 10th, 2012 We are a group of immigrants, illegal ones, who managed to avoid arrest during the “Xenios Zeus” operations that took place in Patras on the 1st of October. During this operation many of our friends were arrested and are now being held for no reason whatsoever in […]
Please spread the following statement along with these texts: i, ii and iii Statement by Delta squat about the events of eviction Sunday, September 16th, 2012 A BRIEF CHRONICLE On September 12th at 6.30 in the morning various different police departments were mobilized for the eviction of Delta squat. EKAM […]
We hope you can help us spread the word. On September 12th, at 6.30am, Delta occupied social centre was evicted. In the past, this building served as a university residence hall of the Alexandreio Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki, and was occupied since 2007. During the eviction, ten of us […]
On Thursday, October 4th, at 11am, a group of 30 comrades occupied the headquarters of the Journalists’ Union of the Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers (ESIEMTH), in order to send mass emails and faxes and disclose the case of the Colombian comrade Gustavo, who is still held in a prison […]
Nine of the arrestees in Delta squat’s eviction were set free on bail after the trial, where they made a collective political statement. All defendants were found guilty for diverse misdemeanor charges, received suspended prison sentences (from 3 months to 16 months) and got 3 years probation. The total monetary […]