Phoenix Project, Act 8: Action with incendiary/explosive device against a Board of Elections office and in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar. (Chile) We are not spectators, but convinced enemies of all forms of domination. Today, wielding the weapons of life and the ideas of rebellion, we wanted to […]
On November 18th some members of Contra Info hung a banner at Exarchia square in downtown Athens, in solidarity with the 5 comrades arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, accused under the anti-terror law for direct actions vindicated by the Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral. The banner reads: “Freedom for the […]
On October 2nd, 2013 the anarchist group “Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral” installed an explosive device at an infamous fascist church monument, the Basilica of the Pillar in Zaragoza, Spain. This cathedral is one of the most significant temples for the holders of Power, and stands as one of the main […]
On July 25th, 2013 a march for decriminalization of abortion took place in the City of Santiago. Chile is one of the countries where abortions are banned in all circumstances. Consequentially, women are jailed for abortions, and others die having back-alley abortions. The march was called for 7pm in Plaza […]
This evening (14/6), at around 6pm, we held a rally in front of the Turkish Embassy. The banner displayed read: “For the expansion of Revolt. Dayanışma bir silahtır – Solidarity is a weapon.” Flyers were distributed with the following text: Santiago’dan Türkiye’deki isyancılara selam Fourteen days ago in Istanbul a […]
May 20th-25th / June 20th-25th / July 25th-31st Active and combative solidarity with Freddy, Marcelo and Juan The 24th of April 2013 was the date set for the preparation of the oral trial against Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste Vega and Freddy Fuentevilla, who are accused of various robberies and the […]
Benefit event in solidarity to the imprisoned comrades in Temuco, and for the surgery of CCF member Panagiotis Argirou (prisoner in Greece) Saturday, June 1st from 22.00 at the anarchist counter-cultural and social centre Libereco, on 345, Arzobispo Valdivieso (metro Cementerios), Recoleta community, Santiago June 1st marks the third anniversary […]
Images and references from La Revuelta Historical Archive Below are wall-charts that were exhibited in the First Anarchist Bookfair in Santiago on the 12th and 13th of May 2012. These can now be shared through this medium. Soon there will be more and will be available to be exhibited through […]
Historical journey from the 70s, when the current anarchist practices, repression and solidarity as well as internationalism were first developed. A talk-debate will be held about the situation of the anarchist movement and the repression in Chile this Saturday, May 11th, at 6pm in the Espai Obert (71, Violant d’Hongria […]
Nearly two years ago now, we diffused a text in solidarity with antiauthoritarian comrade Diego Ríos, who has been underground since 2009 (because of the arrest warrant issued against him when his mother reported that he had stored material to manufacture explosives in a house she owned). At that time, […]
The days of this hot summer go on and on, and most people are still withdrawn, thinking about where they’ll go for a vacation. Meanwhile, Power and authority don’t rest, incarcerating Mapuche brothers and warriors in southern Chile, perfecting repressive laws, and meeting in ostentatious political-business summits like the CELAC […]