The days of this hot summer go on and on, and most people are still withdrawn, thinking about where they’ll go for a vacation. Meanwhile, Power and authority don’t rest, incarcerating Mapuche brothers and warriors in southern Chile, perfecting repressive laws, and meeting in ostentatious political-business summits like the CELAC […]
Carla Verdugo
3 posts
On September 24th, 2012, comrade Carla Verdugo was transferred from the high-security special section of the Women’s Penitentiary Centre (CPF) to San Miguel prison. Carla is in custody, accused of transporting an explosive device with Ivan Silva (abducted in Santiago One prison). Both were arrested in the early hours of […]
Communiqué on the rumors about injured anarchists Comrades, we decided to write in response to a degree of uncertainty we’ve noticed that expanded word-of-mouth following our last attack (on March 20th, 2012) on a bank branch in Chillán, $hile, where we happily turned a large part of the bank to […]