Over 50 people gathered in Montréal to carry on the tradition of anti-prison noise demos at prisons on the New Year. The demo assembled at the designated meeting place and took to the streets behind a banner reading “Pour un monde sans patrons, ni flics, ni prisons” (for a world […]
Combustion Books, an anarchist publishing collective based out of New York City, announced that they are making everything they publish or distribute (like titles from Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness) available for free to anarchist prisoners in North America. Get the details here. All profits received from “These Burning Streets” […]
In an effort to keep up actions in solidarity with the Contra Info callout, new slogans have appeared in the Canary Islands. Moreover, a small banner was found in one of the main accesses to the town which reads: “Neither Gold in Halkidiki or Oil in Lanzarote. Down with Multinationals!”, […]
“You can cut down all of the flowers but you cannot stop the spring” —poster circulating around the strike THE LAWS On Friday, May 18th, 2012, two new laws came into effect in Montréal. Their purpose is to stifle the anti-capitalist revolt that has emerged from the student strike that […]
Three posters for an anti-capitalist/anarchist demo on May 1st, 2012, one calling for a general social strike on May Day, another by anonymous anarchists, and a third by the Convergence of Anti-Capitalist Struggles (CLAC-Montréal). read also Anarchist contingent, Montréal, May Day 2012
A demonstration against the neo-colonial project “Plan Nord” (North Plan), which seeks to exploit to a maximum extent the minerals in Québec’s northernmost territories for the profit of mining companies, has turned into a street battle between insurgents and riot police, with an intensity and length rarely seen in Montréal. […]
Since the last February14th, a vast strike movement is shaking the post-secondary studies sector (colleges and universities) in the province of Québec. This general strike movement, mostly lead by a left-wing coalition of student unions – the CLASSE (French acronym for Broad Coalition of the Association for Student Syndicalist Solidarity) […]