Below is a text in solidarity with Babis Tsilianidis that was spread in early September 2013, by the Anarchists assembly for the connection of struggles within the prison-society (“Sasta”) in Thessaloniki, Greece: “Those who live are those who fight; those whose soul and forehead are possessed of a firm design; […]
On Friday, October 4, 2013 the defense lawyer of Babis Tsilianidis was informed, completely by chance, that the comrade’s request for an interruption of serving sentence will be examined on October 16 at Thessaloniki courts. We will take anarchist captives back where they belong: to the streets! Solidarity to anarchist […]
Imprisoned comrade Babis Tsilianidis had requested an interruption of serving sentence. On September 18, the hearing was postponed to January 15, 2014 due to a strike of judicial personnel. However the application for probation was resubmitted, so a new hearing was scheduled for this year. A judicial council will examine […]
Anarchist revolutionary Babis Tsilianidis is imprisoned since January 2011, and currently held in Koridallos prison, Athens. He has faced a series of court proceedings, in all of which he has refused to attend. The comrade received suspended sentences at those trials, and this fact would have sufficed for his immediate […]
“Rather it is the rage of our desires unchained, the return of the repressed in full force and undisguised. But more essentially, total revolt is fueled by a spirit of free play and of joy in adventure — by a desire to explore every possibility for intense life which society […]
Solidarity with anarchist Babis Tsilianidis The trial against anarchist Babis Tsilianidis is scheduled for October 15th, 2012, in Thessaloniki courts. The comrade is accused of an armed robbery which took place at the accounting department of the AHEPA hospital (in July 2010). The evidence that resulted in his third consecutive […]
In the night of the 7th of August, we hung a solidarity banner for the unrepentant red-skin/rash prisoner Thomas Meyer-Falk at the interchange of Iera Odos with Thivon Avenue in Egaleo, where it has much traffic. The banner read ‘Freedom for Thomas Meyer-Falk… and all political outlaws’. Unfortunately it stayed […]
Comrade Babis Tsilianidis, imprisoned now in the 1st wing of Koridallos prisons, stated that he will not attend this court, in the same way he did not attend previous court proceedings, thus ‘refusing to apologize to my judges, to prosecutors of the multiform liberation struggle,’ as he explains in his […]
[ Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 ] In the past three years, several anarchists are held in Greek prisons and even more are under a judicial hostage, as a consequence of the escalating anarchist revolutionary violence that stepped up during this period. Faced with an unusually large number of cases, which […]
Text that was shared out during the supermarket expropriation: We won’t beg for a pittance from no boss. We live in a reality full of inequalities. Others wonder what to throw out from their filled fridge, and others look for food in the garbage bins. Others are looking after a […]
Downtown Thessaloniki Friday, 13.15pm Divided into different groups of comrades, we moved synchronously in order to disrupt, even in a symbolic way, the city’s normality during rush hour, when the metropolitan factory’s machines are working nonstop. We smashed and took 3 ATMs out of service, thus sabotaging the Capital’s smooth […]
On Saturday, March 17th, a PA’s gathering and further solidarity actions took place in Thessaloniki ahead of the political trials against the comrades Giannis Skouloudis, Sokratis Tzifkas, Babis Tsilianidis, Dimitris Dimtsiadis and Dimitris Fessas, as well as Rami Syrianos and Kleomenis Savvanidis —today (26/3) the trial against the imprisoned anarchist […]