On Sunday, November 20th, comrades in solidarity with the 13 arrestees of the November 17th demo organize a party for financial aid in Exarchia Square. The event starts at 15.00 and continues until late in the evening. On Monday, November 21st, a solidarity gathering will be held at Evelpidon courts, […]
Here we highlight some of the most recent attacks against the most vulnerable parts of Greek society. These are only a few of the cases that occur daily in the city of Athens; the birthplace of ‘culture and democracy’, as the travel agents call it. A war has been declared […]
(18.30 GMT+2) People built up flaming barricades alongside Alexandras Avenue. Earlier a police cubicle outside the EU building on Vasilissis Sofias Avenue was set ablaze. Public lights were off outside the US Embassy, from where most of the demonstrator blocks have already left. KKE/PAME block is still headed towards the […]
On November 14th the prison inmates Giorgos Unan and Elias Rivon appeared before the Court of Appeals due to judicial backlogs. There, after a verbal dispute with some cops-murderers, both were locked up inside a room and beaten savagely. But this wasn’t enough… After they had their hands tied behind […]
The contract staff of the Municipal Computerization (DAEM, a City of Athens corporation) is threatened with mass layoff. As they mentioned in an earlier press release, “The Greek government, which for years refused to accept the change of the designation of our contracts so that they would represent the true […]
Urgent appeal from squatters On Monday we faced police intimidation by DIAS motorcyclist cops who were verifying the identities of people that were outside the liberated social space of Holargos, located in 50, Katsimpiri and Ventouri streets. No pasaran! We call collectivities, popular assemblies, individuals on Tuesday, November 15th, at […]
Anarchist posters calling for demonstrations on November 17th, commemorating the Athens Polytechnic uprising in 1973 against the Greek military junta (1967–1974): Faced with economic and political crash we should create the conditions for the revolutionary organization of our class, wherever social and class struggle is daily developed, and crash the […]
Manifestation and talk on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Athens IMC (November 2001—November 2011). Presentation of its history, and discussion about its present and future operation under conditions of widespread repression. Athens, Saturday, November 12th, 2011, at 18.00, in Athens Polytechnic School (Patission and Stournari streets, Exarchia) Indymedia […]
On Tuesday, November 8th, at 19.00, in Athens University of Economics and Business (ASOEE), located in 76, Patission Street, in downtown Athens, Marina Sitrin, editor of the book ‘Horizontalidad: Voces de Poder Popular en Argentina’ (Horizontalism: Voices of Popular Power in Argentina) and Claudia Acuna (member of collectivity) will […]
CALL – DISCUSSION About the anarchists’ presence in the three-day manifestation of the Polytechnic Uprising anniversary, after the demo’s incidents on the strike day in Syntagma (20.10.2011). About safeguarding the anarchist interventions from any provocations and challenges by political parties’ mechanisms. Thursday, November 3rd, 2011, at 19.00 in Athens Polytechnic […]
A social project was inaugurated in the suburb of Zografou, in the eastern part of Athens. Villa Zografou, an abandoned three-storey 19th-century mansion, is located in a 14-acres estate which the municipality reserved for a shopping mall. This space bares its own history of local struggles. In the summer of […]