Early in the morning of Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 dozens of people re-squatted Villa Amalias. Heavy anti-riot police forces that encircled the building threw repeatedly tear gas inside. At approximately 9.20am, anti-riot squadrons (MAT, YMET) along with the EKAM special suppressive antiterrorist unit were deployed in the area, smashed […]
In the context of the days of mobilization and international solidarity with comrades kidnapped all over the world, from the 21st to the 30th of September, an anti-repression march was called on Friday noon, September 28th in Mexico City. The anarchist demo paid a visit to embassies of various States […]
The poster reads: IF YOU TOLERATE FASCISM TODAY IT WILL CAUSE YOU TO SUFFER TOMORROW On Saturday, September 29th, the local MP of the Golden Dawn P.Iliopoulos was spotted on Dimitriados street, in the city of Volos. A person started to argue verbally with him because of the MP’s fascist […]
The night of September 15th saw the first motorcycle patrol through Athens centre with flypostering and protest chants against neo-Nazi attacks. On September 22nd another antifa motorcycle demo was realized successfully. In the evening of Sunday, September 30th, a third antifascist intervention–motorcycle patrol passed through downtown locations, but was soon […]
We learn from the commercial website of Cyta Hellas that, “Cyprus Telecommunications Authority, otherwise known as Cyta, was founded in 2007 in Greece as a subsidiary of the National Telecommunications Organization of Cyprus, with the aim of implementing its strategy for the expansion of its activities abroad.” And how, indeed, […]
The poster reads: On June 27th, 2012, the members of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos will stand trial charged with ‘incitement to criminal acts’, according to the provisions of Article 184 of the Greek Penal Code. The indictment refers to three different texts—of which […]
Disciplinary transfer of Olga Ekonomidou, imprisoned member of the R.O. CCF, from Eleonas–Thebes women’s prisons to Diavata women’s prisons / get the details here -> actforfreedomnow [Thessaloniki] On Tuesday, May 8th, 2012, at 20.00 in the University of Thessaloniki there will be an assembly for the coordination of solidarity actions […]
On Sunday, March 11th, several comrades coming from different countries took part in the open assembly of Contra Info in Athens. So, the following day we were able to carry out a symbolic action of both international solidarity and counter-information, placing banners about four important cases in different parts of […]
Sunday, February 26th, 2012 — 20.00 GMT+2 Polytechnic School (Gini building), entrance from Stournari Street, Athens towards a militant counter-information
Against the wall of silence surrounding the trial and the political discourse of the accused in the Revolutionary Struggle case and against the criminalization of solidarity as expressed by the prosecutions for the occupation of flash radio station
Children paint (at) Labidona, October 1st, 2011 At the beginning of autumn, an initiative of residents in Vyronas (a suburb in the northeastern part of Athens) worked together to create a new Social-Cultural Centre downtown, in Aghias Triadas Grove. They transformed the derelict ‘Labidona’ into a space of self-expression. […]
Since Monday, October 24th, 52 people (out of the 65 total in their block), all of them immigrant detainees, have begun a hunger strike in block 10 of the central prison. Their crime: their illegal residency in Cyprus. Their demand: to stop being denied their basic rights which are being […]