Against G20
Appeal day 8: Tuesday, April 3rd 2018 9:00-17:00 (coffee at 8:00) Amtsgericht Mitte (Sievekingplatz 3, Hamburg) Eigth day of appeal trial – Peike would appreciate as much comrades as possible being present at the courthouse to support. Upcoming: Appeal Day 9: Thursday, April 5 2018 9:00 – 17:00 Appeal Day […]
Summary for our internationalist comrades G20-Repression Prisoners * Conditions in the prison * Trials * Video- and Photo publications * House raids The G20 summit and the euphoric days in the streets of the Schanzenviertel were shaped by the massive anger and motivation to attack, which we did not expect […]
received on 11/20/17 We see that the repressive campaign on the anarchist movement does not cease. Examples are enough: The operation Fénix case in the Czech Republic, the case of the Warsaw Three, charges of bank robbery in Aachen, courts with rebels against the G20 summit in Hamburg and other […]
Received 10-01-2017 Yesterday (30-9-2017) a manifestation took place in Amsterdam in solidarity with comrades who are momentarily in prison after the G20 protests in Hamburg (Germany) this July. After the manifestation a spontaneous demonstration started through the inner city of Amsterdam. 100 people took part in the manifestation in solidarity […]
Received on August 21 Last night there was a banner drop happening in the context of the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, therefore two banners saying “BURN ALL PRISONS” and “FREEDOM FOR ALL PRISONERS” were hung at the Votiv Church. Prisons have to leave, have to leave society, […]
Pictures from solidemo with activists imprisoned in Hamburg.The demonstration was on Monday 07.08.2017 in Warsaw in the front of German embassy. in German