Young anarchist Claudia López Benaiges, who studied dance at university, was participating in a protest against the 25th anniversary of the fascist coup of Pinochet when she was shot in the back by Carabiniers (police) in the village of La Pincoya in Santiago ($hile), on September 11th, 1998. After the […]
Videos – Multimedia
We demand freedom for the May 1st prisoners | July 21st, 2012 On Tuesday, July 10th, 2012 the police raided the homes of comrades. The majority of them are between 18 and 20 years old. It is obvious that repression is aiming at young people to show them that their […]
Video from the “Saturday’s gratuitous bazaar”, based on exchange and re-use, that took place on June 9th at the central gate of Alsos Pangratiou in Athens Upcoming open-air bazaars in the neighbourhoods of Vyronas, Kaisariani and Pangrati: Saturday, July 14th, at Tsirakopoulou square in Vyronas by 19.30 (GMT+2) Saturday, September […]
2011 short documentaries with English subtitles Comrades in Belarus are now trying to get their mates out of prison. One of the ideas was to put pressure on the EU, in relation to political prisoners. So, they put out the following call for soli actions. Would be great if you […] We went to the Tribunal de Grande Instance (High Court) of Paris to express our SOLIDARITY with the six comrades prosecuted for criminal conspiracy with terrorist intentions. While approximately fifty people entered the courtroom, nearly a hundred of us remained in front of the courtroom. As we were ill-intentioned, […]
December 1st, 2011 April 18th, 2012 On April 18th, 2012, several individuals, most commonly called ‘capuchos’/hooded—anarchists in their great majority—assembled in the University of Antioquia in Medellín aiming at clashing against all authority, in order to demonstrate their diverse struggles and staging of freedom as praxis, that is […]
In this corporate video, one can see how the Golden Dawn pigs force the journalists—vultures of the mass media who were waiting the press conference of the leader of the neo-Nazi party—to stand up when Michaloliakos gets into the room, through threats and cries about respect to the Führer. for a free world with no money your days of wealth are over long live animal freedom
the banner reads: The only response to the crisis is social revolution Solidarity with those prosecuted for the Revolutionary Struggle case photos from the demo here
May 1st, Berlin 1999 Here follow just a few call-outs for May Day(s) 2012. Your own reports from the streets are more than welcome here, in the comments section, or at USA Occupy May 1st Chicago: Black bloc demo Oakland: Occupy demo New York: Anarchist bike bloc Seattle: Anti-capitalist […]