During the morning of Thursday, October 20th, a group of about 50 anarchists carried out a supermarket expropriation in the city of Patras. The group expropriated a large quantity of food and immediately distributed it among people in an open-air market located near the supermarket. As the group explain in […]
Freedom is not obtained from the ballot boxes; it’s taken with our own hands. For this reason, last Monday morning, October 24th, we decided to hit the democracy/dictatorship of the progressive government. In response to the sarcastic statements of the ruling government and the communist party of Uruguay that have […]
Barcelona, October 17th, 2011 During this year, there have been several selective incendiary attacks so far on luxury cars in Sant Roc, slum of Badalona (Barcelona), some hidden by the Press, others not. To be specific, in the morning of February 7th to 8th we burned two vehicles, on July […]
We, organs of Lafkenche Territorial Resistance of the Arauco Malleco Coordinator, declare before the national and international public opinion the following: Kiñe: On October 6th, at dawn, we attacked and destroyed the tourist resort of the businessman Pedro Durán Faundez, husband of the governor of Arauco Flor Waisse, located by […]
On July 7th, 2011, here in Larissa prisons where I am held and convicted over a bank robbery, I was served with a new warrant of detention accused for another robbery of a bank on Cephalonia Island in July 2009. I must simply remind that the attempt of the prosecuting […]
During the night to October 3rd, we made a gift to the German economy. We attacked several vehicles with incendiaries at a site of Deutsche Telekom in Lichtenberg, Berlin. We selected the date for this action in reference to the trial against the organization Revolutionary Struggle which begins on October […]
I send you my support and hopes of strength for the trial. A spectacle set up by corrupt judges, cops and politicians. In the north, we will raise a clenched fist through the barred windows of the English prisons, high towards the sky. Never losing sight of our goal. Sharing […]
Dear comrades, We, the imprisoned fighters of the guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle, express our solidarity with comrade Andi, member of the Revolutionärer Aufbau in Switzerland and the Secours Rouge International (International Red Aid), who is accused for arsons by the Swiss State. Any incrimination of a comrade, anywhere in the […]
In the afternoon of Friday, September 23rd, we wrote slogans on walls in the centre of the city of Thebes, in Viotia, in solidarity with insurgents in $hile and in particular comrade Luciano Pitronello, Tortuga (‘Turtle’). It is the minimum act of solidarity with all who struggle for freedom and […]
We more or less know the facts. On Monday, September 12th, comrades Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou after having been transferred to Koridallos prisons for a formal council were transferred back to Domokos prisons. Both refused to undergo the humiliation of inner-body search, and were violently attacked there by humanguards […]
In the early morning of Thursday, September 1st, we decided to attack the $hilean embassy in Uruguay, throwing flammable material at the door, and thus causing a fire. We condemn the repression carried out by the Piñera government and any ruling government. We condemn the existence of all governments. The […]
Public statement of military service refusal To the Hellenic National Defense General Staff and to all military recruitment authorities What if someone told me, ‘What do you want then; to change humankind?’ I would answer, ‘No, something infinitely more moderate; I’d wish for humankind to change itself.’ —Cornelius Castoriadis My […]