[German prisons] Send Lisa a letter!

[2013 Aachen bank robbery case]
In December 2016, an anarchist from Amsterdam was acquitted of a bank expropriation that took place in Aachen in 2013.

[2014 Aachen bank robbery case]
Since early 2017, two comrades from Barcelona stood trial for a Pax-Bank expropriation that took place in Aachen in 2014:
On June 7th 2017, anarchist compañera Lisa was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison, while the other comrade (who recently wrote a thank-you note) was acquitted by the Aachen court.

After being sentenced and sent to Cologne’s prison, the compañera decided to publish her contact address:
Buchnummer: 2893/16/7
Justizvollzuganstanlt (JVA) Köln
Rochusstrasse 350
50827 Köln – Germany

Lisa speaks Spanish, German, English and Italian, and she will be glad to receive your letters.

That other forms of solidarity continue to be expressed with her and all other prisoners. That prisoners always remain a part of social struggles and be embedded in all actions of the social war. For anarchy.

More info: Solidariteit.noblogs.org

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