A group of comrades carried out a banner action for Black December in the district of Neos Kosmos, Athens:
We support the call for a Black December
The month when the grayish prison of enormous buildings enriches the false warmth on its bloodstained bars more than ever – each of its insidious mechanisms causing humanmachines to desire consumption – and showcases its squalid holes with lights.
The month when, once again, the State shows its real face, unleashing its dogs in the streets and murdering 15-year-old comrades. It is this month that we anarchists decide alongside our comrades inside and outside the walls to paint black, and light up the city streets with flaming barricades and all sorts of insurrectionary action and discourse that will upset the reputable armchair accomplices of the State and its repression, giving birth to terror and decay at the core of the statist machine. Let us send a message to the cops and all statist dogs with our fire, letting them know that their nightmares are just beginning and that every month in their calendar will be painted black. For the razing and annihilation of the existent.
Organising informally and insurrectionally;
Black December in the whole wide Earth!