Minister, may you have a bad day,
this is our definition,
we’re singing at your mansion the carols of the Unemployed The peoples die today
due to hunger and poverty
while the banks celebrate
loaded with a few more billions The parliament gives birth
to our black destiny,
so we’ll soon go out on the streets
as many as a flood And the peoples will chase
both you and your guard dogs.
Your dishonest generation
will have no place to hide In this building where we came
the stone will crack,
and the peoples
shall live without you Good riddance!

we’re singing at your mansion the carols of the Unemployed The peoples die today
due to hunger and poverty
while the banks celebrate
loaded with a few more billions The parliament gives birth
to our black destiny,
so we’ll soon go out on the streets
as many as a flood And the peoples will chase
both you and your guard dogs.
Your dishonest generation
will have no place to hide In this building where we came
the stone will crack,
and the peoples
shall live without you Good riddance!