Hey Walker, we recently had a nice view of your home from the pedestrian bridge in the small hours of the morning…
… a car and work van belonging to a UKIP candidate and ex-mayor (2012) of Bradley Stoke (Bristol, UK), Ben Walker, was damaged with paint and the tires were slashed on the driveway of his home: 136 Ferndene, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.
Also done recently…
…cars at Bath Audi and Mercedes car showrooms in Peasedown, Bath (UK) had their bodywork scratched up with broken glass (about 25 vehicles). This option of sabotage was chosen over a noisy one as we didn’t want to wake the sleeping car-transporter guy who was in his cab with the curtains drawn.
With this action a warm firm hand goes out to the street fighters and black bloc who came together to trash the G20 in Hamburg, with bravery against such heavy odds, and to those spreading this fight over other German cities. Some of us are not up to the level of street combat of German cities or to go and engage with your cops, so here in the UK a few of us have been lubricating our rusty joints enough to be able to be active and show our distaste in a style we are more familiar with.
Although we may have different approaches to the same problems, we can pull together on a common thread, learn from each others qualities and mis-givings, and unite the effects of bloc and affinity group.
In the UK, through sabotage, we are trying to show others here that there is a positive path to take anger along while also putting a kick into the ribs of our pigs already low morale.
“All modern war-fighters know that the first step of any conflict is to disrupt the enemy’s communication and control infrastructures” – Adbusters planetary engame (May/June 2017)
Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF
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