Poland: Warsaw’s Anarchist Black Cross invites you to 4th Anti-Prison Days [27th-29th October]

Dear Friends,
on 27th-29th of October ABC Warsaw invites you to join 4th edition of Antiprison Days in Warsaw. The main topic of this year is “Support your local ABC”.
Here in Poland, we see the need of discussion about the big role of anti-rep structures in our struggles so we would like to invite different people and groups to share their experience with repressions and how it was possible to deal with them. There will be also space to talk about difficulties in being support group and why and how anti-rep and anti-prison campaign is part of every social/land/climate/world struggle.
Of course we will not be able to talk about everything what is important because the event will be open for everybody – but the aim is to start some process in people’s mind. There will be also space to present your activities and/or your groups.
If you would like to join the event and prepare some presentation/discussion – feel more than welcome to contact us: ack.waw [at] riseup. The program is still open so if you have any ideas, please just write. The deadline for program proposals is 12th of October. We can also offer to cover the travel costs if it would be needed.
All the best! In solidarity,
Warsaw ABC

Warsaw’s Anarchist Black Cross invites you to 4th Anti-prison Days!

The topic of prison system in Poland is still considered a social taboo and it is still common to paint a black picture of those behind bars. At the same time, the authorities are enforcing the policy of fear to justify the implementation of gradually more strict laws aiming at all those opposing their authoritarian intentions.

In west Europe and the us the anti-prison campaigns are naturally connected with social fights in others fields: fighting for workers’ laws, fighting against land usurpation and elimination of small farmers, supporting immigrants, protecting environment, fighting for the tenants rights and many more. In Poland if this topic exists at all, it is still a newborn rather than taking its toll.

Meanwhile, only in 2016 in Poland more then 70 thousand people were imprisoned in 64 remand centres and 84 prisons.. What that system actually generates is more pathology, deprivation of dignity, violence and modern slavery. This is not a joke – as many as 22,5% of those imprisoned are forced to work for free, and the new amendment to the prison system law, that have been forced through not long ago, will increase those numbers fast. Those imprisoned will have to work even more for the glory of capitalism, for the growth of “our” economy, similar to the prisoners building Kulczyk’s the so called “Highway of Freedom”. Does it constitute to conditions in which they are kept? By no means. They are still treated as an underclass, dregs of society to be ashamed of, to be stripped of what is left of their humanity, to be humiliated, beaten, abused, and deprived of hope. Is it still unbelievable that statistically every second day someone behind bars tried to commit suicide?

Do you think that living “outside” makes you a free person? Think again: how much time do you spend at work? How much time do you spend with your loved ones? How often do you have to sacrifice those relations in order to survive? And finally – do you really feel safe? How far can the forces go to control you? Just a year ago, 3 new acts came into force turning the meaning of the word “freedom” into dust – the amendment to the police act (also known as the surveillance act), the anti-terrorist act and the public assemblies act. Statistics are clear – the brutality of police is increasing every year, and those responsible stay unpunished, e.g. as many as 98,7% charges pressed against police imposing statements with tortures did not end in indictment. Meanwhile, at the police stations, people are murdered; more criminal and minor offence cases are being issued for every resistance act: writing leaflets, participating in demonstrations or organizing events and actions.

We are not going to be passive any more! We need solidarity with those who are repressed, behind bars and those outside prisons, we need to build wide anti-repression structures. This is what we want to discuss during the 4th Anti-prison Days.

Repression are becoming more and more common.
To fight back we need to act together.
Until all of them are free, none of us is free.
Support you local ABC.


Join us during 4th Anti-prison Days!
27-29th October 2017
Przychodnia Skłot // Cafe Kryzys

What is planned for 4th Anti-prison Days?

– meetings and discussion panels;
– anti-prison art gallery, an exhibition of works by artists involved in
projects with prisoners;
– anti-prison movies screenings;
– writing letters to prisoners;
– collecting books for prisoners;
– soli tattos;
– ABC’s distro;
– soli party for ABC.

in Polish, Portuguese, German