The Call
To be against figures of fun like Donald Trump, the manic Retro-Sultan Erdogan and bulging muscle dude Putin is quite easy. In gratifying the world almost daily with unexpected neologism and fake news fantasy or strange fantasy uniforms and slightly grubby fotos of superheros they behave like idiots.
With crackpots of this kind the line of argument to repeal capitalism can be easily shortened.
Unfortunately these freaks are not to be neglected. They and their slightly less freaky collegues presides an apparatus that is armed with jails, the military, all kinds of police and sleuthhounds. And behind Putins and Trumps backs there are swivelling strange vassals who carry the bags with a red button. And in case one of the two bonzai-neros is pushing it – it gets pitch-black.
The 20-strong chamber of horror, consisting of the Donald, Wladimir, Recep Tayyip and their collegues from so called developed nations will visit Hamburg on the 7th of July.
They will, in ordert o finetune the global situation have a chit chat all weekend long about world-economics, territorial claims, proxy wars and so on. As well as about the good old human-rights, that´s for sure anyway. One or another deal to create jobs will be finalized so that the social partners are satisfied.
We think this ganging up is a pretty fine event to express our gratidue for poverty, hunger, massacers and a devastated nature. With friends and comrades we will do this for two days.
A week in advance, at the 28th of June, of this summit we will start our anarchical week of events. We will receive guests and speakers from all corners oft he world and will discuss, watching movies and have some readings going on.
So when the powerful meet up here to coordinate their terror even better we unite in order of network and to solidarize. Nice to see you!
Anarchical Initiative
The schedule is not completed and changes can not be excluded.
All panels will be held in german and english language. In case people can translate in other languages – you are very welcome!
(All lectures will be hold in Hamburg.)
Wed., 06.28.:
Kick off:
Film „Black Block“
06:00 pm
3001 Cinema
Schanzenstrasse 75 / Schanzenstreet 75
Public Transport Lines S11, S21, S31, and U3, Stop “Sternschanze“
Thurs., 06.29.:
Jens Störfried
Lecture + Discussion
7 pm
Barco Liberado
Meiendorfer Straße 47
from Central Station, exit Rahlstedt, then bus 24 to Schneehuhnkamp
Friday, 06.30.:
The Anarchist Black Cross:
Anarchical anti-repression: the anarchist black cross
Lecture + Discussion
05:30 pm
Cafe Knallhart
Von-Melle-Park 9 (at Hamburg University Campus)
Public Transport Lines S11, S21, S31 and R70. Stop “Dammtor“
Samstag, 01.07, Sat. 07.01.
Andreas Blechschmidt: Repressionen im Zusammenhang mit dem Gipfel
Lecture + Discussion
03:00 pm
Hein-Köllisch-Platz 11
Public Transport Lines S S1, S2, S3, Stop “Reeperbahn“
Sonntag, 02.07./Sun. 07.02:
Chrimethink: Resistance in the Trump Era
Lecture + Discussion
03:00 pm
Centro Sociale
Sternschanze 2
U3, Stop “Feldstraße“, or
Public Transport Lines S11, S21, S31, and U3, Stop “Sternschanze“
Mon. 07.03.:
Rob Evans: How to deal with snitches
Lecture + Discussion
07:00 pm
Centro Sociale
Sternschanze 2
U3, Stop “Feldstraße“, or
Public Transport Lines S11, S21, S31, and U3, Stop “Sternschanze“
Dienstag, 04.07./Thurs. 07.04.:
Anarchistical Initiative Ljubljana
The role of autonomous spaces in social fights
Lecture and discussion
Place will be announced
By the way:
during the summit there will be different zones in the city where you only can move limited or even zero. Where the exact line of the borders are, especially the so called blue zone, is not known by now. Could be possible that some of our venues are in these zones.
We dont know by now when these zones will be in effect but it can be possible that some panels will not take place in the announced venues due to some boys in blue who are pushing people around. For this case we have alternative venues wich will be announced as soon as we know more about the different security zones.
Moving around:
best thing is to grap a bike or use the public transport system. Stations for S and U-Bahn have no security turnstiles. Ticketholder will be check randomly by the S-Bahn security or by ticket inspectors in plain clothes. On very rare occasions there are blocking of subway station entrances. If they step up these controlls we really dont know. To be certain is that there will Police at important interchanges. During the last OSZE summit in 2016 the police presence was spread out into some far-off suburbs. And keep in mind that all bus, train and other railway stations got CCTV systems, so you will be monitored.