Hamburg: Banks attacked in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Aachen robbery cases

In the night between the 24th and 25th of July 2016, the windows and ATMs of two banks in Hamburg were destroyed, and slogans were spray-painted in solidarity with the two anarchists who are accused of bank robberies in the German city of Aachen.

We will not leave them alone! Until all are free!

“We don’t care whether the comrade is ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ of the deeds attributed to her; we leave these categories to the carrion-eating defenders of the system. Every act of expropriation against the enemy, that has been robbing us for hundreds of years, is not just legitimate but desirable. Our boundless complicity with everyone who risk their freedom to expropriate the Capital.” -excerpt from “Every heart is a time bomb” („Jedes Herz ist eine Zeitbombe“) concerning the arrest on April 13th in Barcelona.

More info about the case(s) can be found on