A privately-owned building located on 96, Themistokleous Street in the neighbourhood of Exarchia was squatted just a few days ago.
On June 14th 2016, the new Kleous 96 squat was raided by cops. Three squatters were arrested and taken to Athens police headquarters.
Later the same day, the building was re-squatted.
96 Themistokleous St., Exarchia | Email: Kleous96@riseup.net
We are a group of people from around the globe with a variety of different backgrounds. Some of us with papers and some without. But we are joined through our beliefs and a common desire to build a collective based on principals of self-organised assemblies and self-governance, with the long-term goal of expanding this way of life and being part of a global movement that will overthrow this destructive and barbaric system. A system that creates racist borders in order to defend resources and wealth gained through profiteering and warmongering.
We have chosen to occupy an empty building in the neighbourhood of Exarchia in Athens, which has been vacant for some years and is in need of repairs. Together we plan to bring this old building to life and not only live in it but also open it up to the community and make it into a safe space where nation states, borders and documents are not recognised and self-empowerment and self-development can be achieved through education and creativity.
We believe that private property in general and in particular ownership of land and buildings is an absurd concept, specially at a time when extreme poverty, austerity measures, wars and closed borders are affecting so many lives the world over and human beings are made to live in unacceptable conditions. We simply choose to disregard rules and regulations that do not benefit the majority of the population of the planet.
Furthermore we believe that a space is needed for political dialogue, planning of political action and co-operation between all the different assemblies. Activists from all over the world come to Exarchia and are inspired by the self-organised structure that is in place and the strong ties of solidarity, especially when it comes to defending the neighbourhood against police aggression. We want to be part of this community, to learn and acquire skills in order to go back to our respective countries of origin and spread this way of life and community organising. And we also want to join and help to strengthen this community and to be instrumental in pushing and expanding the boundaries of Exarchia.
Although we have all come together through our mutual efforts towards the current refugee crisis, we strongly believe that the real crisis is the system itself. Therefore we will not co-operate or be affiliated with any political parties, government agencies, IGOs or NGOs. We are here in Greece because we believe that the greatest need and also the moment for mobilisation of all oppressed people is here and now.
In general we want to work towards achieving the below goals:
No Racist Borders
No Nations
Women’s Liberation
Abolition of private property i.e. ownership of means of production, capital, land and redistribution of all available resources.
Equity rather than Equality
Whilst in the space we expect everyone to respect the following rules whether they are part of the assembly or just supporters:
No drugs
No alcohol
No language or acts of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or ableism
Physical violence or abusive language will not be tolerated.
No media and no photographs
in Greek